Saturday, May 11, 2013

Preventing lines from linking to nearby objects as they are drawn or sized

If you are not are using Omnigraffle to make flow charts, using the line tool can be frustrating.

Instead of following your cursor as you draw or resize it, the line will try to latch itself on to any nearby object. This is a useful behavior when creating a flow chart; it's an annoying behavior for creating everything else.

The issue is a property that lines have called "Allow connections to other objects." Omnigraffle lines have this property turned on by default.

So if your line is latching onto other objects, select the troublesome line and open the Connections inspector:

Here, uncheck the "Allow connections to other objects" checkbox. Now the line will not try to latch onto other objects as you size it.

You can also turn this setting off for any new line your draw. See the post "Changing default properties of Omnigraffle objects."

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